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What Is Numerology

Numerology is a science and an essential branch of Astrology that deals with the significance of numbers corresponding to the respective alphabets. It is a powerful and influential tool that can significantly impact the course of a person's life, channelizing the flow of positivity, progress, and prosperity.

As a world-renowned numerologist, I, Mohit S Verma, combine the principles of numerology with astrology to ensure that your name, business names, and lucky numbers resonate with mutually favorable vibrations

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Why This Service Is For You?

Career Guidance

Numerology can help children choose a career path that aligns with their date of birth, maximizing their potential for success and fulfillment. By understanding the vibrations associated with their birth numbers, individuals can make informed decisions about their professional aspirations, leading to excellent results and a rewarding career.

Suit and Tie
Family Car

Home and Vehicle Selection

Numbers carry vibrations, and these vibrations can create a particular "feeling" in a house or a vehicle. Numerology can guide you in selecting auspicious house or car numbers, ensuring that the vibrations align with your goals and desires.

Short Term Event Prediction

Numerology is an effective tool for determining the likelihood of short-term events occurring in the future. By analyzing the vibrational patterns and interactions of numbers, numerologists can provide insights into the potential occurrences and help you prepare for them accordingly.

Image by Jen Theodore

How Does it Work?

Numerology associates each number from 1 to 9 with one of the nine planets, forming the basis of its principles. Numerologists use this association to rectify planetary defects in a horoscope through readings and remedies. One significant aspect of numerology is its ability to alleviate karmic effects.

Each number has a unique way of mitigating karmic influences, allowing you to bring substantial changes to your destiny. Additionally, numerology assigns symbolism and meaning to numbers, taking into account their vibrational properties and energetic influences. Through calculations and interpretations, numerologists unveil hidden patterns, messages, and insights pertaining to your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.

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