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Exploring the Relationship Between Astrology and Vastu: Why Vastu Corrections May Not be the Only Solution

Updated: Aug 14

Sometimes, just making Vastu corrections in your home might not give you the results you’re

hoping for. Here’s why:

Vastu is all about arranging your space to make the energy flow better and it’s more generalized for everyone. It focuses on things like which direction a person should sleep or work and where to place furniture to create a positive environment. But Vastu corrections without analyzing your date of birth is limited. For example: Living in an East facing home is not good for everyone or living in a corner house can give very negative effects to the native.

That’s where astrology comes in. Astrology looks at your personal energy based on your birth

chart. It tells us about your unique strengths, challenges, and what makes you feel most balanced and happy. When your home’s setup matches your astrological profile, it’s more likely

to support your well-being.

In other words, Vastu and astrology work best when combined. Vastu makes sure your space is

well-organized and flowing with positive energy, while astrology ensures that everything in your

home aligns with your personal needs and preferences based on your date of birth. By blending

the two, you can create a home environment that really supports you and enhances your overall happiness.


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